Wednesday 25 June 2014


Evaluation of MultiCam Performance:

Production Paperwork

Job Roles Of MultiCam

Job Roles:


The camera crews main task is to follow the instructions of the director and to focus our shots onto action when instructions were not available, focus correctly and zoom when appropriate. 

Sound Mixer:

When recording and filming a live performance, sound is very important, as it is a live performance, the production team only has one chance to capture the audio, so therefore, it must be prepared correctly and tested before live production continues.

Vision Mixer:

The vision mixers role is to take instructions from the director, changing shots and transitions between cameras. It is important that the vision mixer is aware and follows the action when direction is not available.

Lighting Desk:

The Lighting crew role is to position the lights correctly as not to blind and to focus attention on the action and points of interest.

Floor Manager/Talk Back:

The Floor Managers task is to move around, and to ensure that the crew are completing there tasks efficiently and if they require any assistance.


On screen graphics are key to help along the narrative and to provide necessary information to the viewer when necessary.


The directors role is extremely vital, as they are required to direct the camera crew and vision mixer. They direct the 'Eyes' of the audience.

My Roles:

During the production and recording of the MultiCam Production, We were assigned two roles, which we would rotate positions, to allow us various experiences. I began, my first role as the director of the production, beginning the show, instructing the individual at the Vision Mixer to change between cameras and instructing the camera crew where to direct there shots, point out points of interest. I was then rotated to take up the position of one of the camera crew, stationed on the left wing, focusing on the point of interest on the right side of the performance and trying to follow the action, I was tasked with following instructions from the director stationed on the vision mixer and watching the performance. One of my main tasks were to focus and zoom correctly, to give a clear and crisp image.

Monday 23 June 2014

Intended Floorplan For Fame Production

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Proposal MultiCam Production


Programme Format: Multi-Cam Live Performance of Fame

Working Title: Fame The Musical

Concept: For the multi camera Production, I will be recording a live performance of Fame The Musical.  To achieve this, I expect to use between 4 and 6 cameras, recording simultaneously, and linked up to a BlackMagic video  and audio mixer. By having multiple cameras in various areas allows for multiple angles of the performance, allowing the director (whom will be directing the recording process through walkie talkies) to use the video mixer and change between angles, directing the recording to the action and streamlining the production. I intend to film this production, with the audience not present, this will allow me the ability to move freely. I will be using the TalkBack System to communicate directions and instructions to the crew on staged on the cameras, to allow me the ability to explain to them to capture shots of interest. To record sound, I will be using both the sound recording of the Cameras, and the outsourced work of the SRS.

Location: Hyde Clarendon Sixth Form College - Performing Arts Theatre.

Usage Rights: The completed product will be burned onto a DVD disc, and provided to the Students and there Parents whom participated in the Production.

Quantity: 4-6 Sony High Definition Cameras, RayNox Pro-Semi Fish Eye Lens, Transtec talk talk System, BlackMagic Vision Mixer (SE-800).

Monday 16 June 2014

MultiCam Analysis


A Multicamera Production is a production which relies on Multiple Cameras recording and being directed to create a professional looking production. This form of production is used to create multiple formats of media, such as:

  • Live Sport Events
  • Public Events
  • Soaps
  • Sitcoms
  • Music Concerts
  • News Broadcasts
  • Game Shows
  • Chat Shows
The Multicam method is widely used to record live events, in which planning and storyboards are not relevant, the multicam team must be directed skilfully by the director, whom are expected to direct the camera feed, to create a successful and entertaining show. Multicams can also be used to recorded non-live productions, such as various soaps, this allows multiple angles of scenes to be recorded, allowing editors to create drama through cuts to different shots, continuing seeming less linearity. 


There are many advantages of multicam of which I shall explain:
  1. They are great for capturing multiple angles allowing the post production process more creativity.
  2. They are useful when filming Live events, when filming live events, it is very difficult to capture all the action with one camera at one angle, therefore it is much easier to use multiple cameras to captures different angles and points of interest, allowing a director to make the decision to switch between cameras and shots on the mixers.
  3. It is easier to use MulitCam methods whilst filming conversations between two parties, for example, if the media production is a sitcom and character A is talking to character B, it may be easier to film from over the shoulder of each character, to show reactions and dialogue. Allowing editors an easier job for editing conversations.

The Multicam method has its disadvantages also when filming various media productions, for example:

  1. When filming Live Events, mistakes can happen, as the cameras are filming live material, they may not capture a scene or point of interest, and if one camera goes down, that angle is no longer covered as it is a live event and cannot be fixed.
Below are examples and analysis' of Multicam productions:

News Broadcasts

Click Link for Tour of Studio:

Advantages of MultiCam:

Using multi cam whilst shooting a Live News Broadcast, there are many advantages, having multiple camera angles and types of cameras are extremely useful. Having rotating cameras on tracks, moving around the main stage, allows the director to create tension and dramatic effect, it also allows for the director to create a fast paced action, when dealing with serious breaking news, keeping the audience interested and making the news entertaining. 

Disadvantages of MultiCam:

Many problems and obstructions may occur whilst using the multicam method. As there are multiple cameras and anything can happen. If the director is relying on a single angle from one of the multiple cameras, and this camera shuts down, that shot is no longer available. Also, as it is being recorded live, it is not possible to edit cut away when mistakes occur.


Advantages of MultiCam:

Whilst filming a Soap, it is advised to use the multicam technique, this is to allow the director to capture each angle, making post production much easier. It makes dialogue scenes much simpler to edit, as it allows the director to film each angle, showing each actors conversation and expressions, allowing for dramatic effect and keeping the audience gripped and consumed by the world of coronation.

Disadvantages of MultiCam:

Multiple problems and obstacles may occur whilst using the MultiCam method whilst shooting the coronation street production. 

Public Event E3 2014

Click Link below to see the conference hall:

Advantages of MutliCam

As E3 is a a Public Live spectacle with millions of people watching live from all around the world, it is important that all the action is caught correctly and nothing is missed. Therefore, with intelligent and skillful directing of the cameras a great production can be created, allowing for a focus on on speakers and movement to create dramatic effect when a game is being announced.

Disadvantages of MultiCam

Relying on multiple cameras during such a large worldwide live event means the show must be rehearsed so that the cameramen know exactly where to focus there attention, this is largely time-consuming and inefficient. 

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Multi-Cam Production Kit List